Responsible Farming: Safe, Sustainable, Beautiful

Safety of farm workers, marijuana and the environment means healthy products and healthy communities. Organic certification, sustainable practices and trained workers are major components of responsible farming.

Farming of Marijuana

Worker, Plant, Environment Safety · Organic · Energy/Water · Sustainability · Farm Visits

Good Agricultural Practices

Farm and seed bank organizations must have clearly defined and current Good Agricultural Practices policies.


Worker Safety

Worker safety and happiness are paramount to creating responsible farming. Workers must be protected from both physical and mental injury. An environment where people, marijuana and natural resources are treated with respect nurtures healthy crops and happy communities. Organic farming is part of worker safety: While organic means no toxins in our food, it also means farm workers are free from handling toxic materials. Ongoing training of farm workers in physical and administrative aspects of tasks is vital to keeping workers safe and farms productive.


Cannabis Safety Means NO-GMO

Keeping Cannabis species safe from GMO technology ensures that the genetics of Cannabis are intact as nature intended. Under The Vancouver Cannabis Initiative GMO marijuana species must not be utilized. We are committed to safe, stable and sustainable sources that produce the highest quality and purist Cannabis in the world.


Cannabis Genetics

Documentation of Cannabis strains developed for sale to clients or farms must be detailed and verified. Seeds, clones snd tissue samples must be sold with specification of species, strains and family order (F1, F2). Creating a stable seed or clone is vital to the responsible farming process and genetics of heritage and/or new strains are the foundation a healthy industry. Access to the clones’ mother plant COA must be made available. Access to a COA from a plant grown from seed must be made available.


Environment Safety

Responsible farming holds the earth sacred. Certified organic farming utilizing sustainable practices helps keep the environment in balance. Health and safety of the soil, streams and air means long-term viability of marijuana farms and farming communities.


Organic Farming

Certified organic farming is important to the health and safety of clients, workers and the environment. Certified organic farming means keeping Cannabis free of toxins.

» TVCI Organic+


Energy Consumption / Water Conservation

Monitoring and minimizing energy and water usage is a vital component of responsible farming.

The production of quality Cannabis requires a powerful light source. Growers must create an Energy Policy to reduce energy consumption; opt for solar, wind or other renewable sources where possible; and assess energy requirements yearly.

Water source and conservation must be documented. Growers must have a Water Policy in place that includes measures such as filtration, supplementation, re-capture and re-use.


Sustainable Farming

Sustainability with respect to responsible farming ensures long-term benefits of agriculture, communities and economics. Site-specific plans are created for integrated systems that focus on quality Cannabis production, quality of life for communities and retaining environmental resources.


Farm Visits

It is recommended by The Vancouver Cannabis Initiative that suppliers, retailers, and practitioners visit marijuana farms to learn first-hand the beauty of responsible marijuana farming: pristine, healthy, magnificently green and sparkly Cannabis growing before your eyes. It may just change your world.