Medicinal Compounds: Healthy, Happy, Holistic
Marijuana compounds must be detailed and standardized. The objective is quantification of medicinal markers that register as scientifically significant and preservation of the holistic spectrum.
Medicinals Identified On Label *
THC · CBD · Additional Cannabinoids · Cannabinoid Acids · Triterpenes · Flavonoids
Extraction Process º · Strains/Species · Dosage
* Medicinal information that must be Identified On Label (IOL) to comply with The Vancouver Cannabis Initiative Standards
Medicinals: THC
» The amount of THC must be Identified On Label.
Tetrahydrocannabinol, shortened to THC, is the main psychoactive cannabinoid of the Cannabis plant. The amount of of THC must be Identified On Label.
Medicinals: CBD
» The amount of CBD must be Identified On Label.
Cannabidiol or CBD is a cannabinoid that has been widely researched for it’s healing properties. The amount of CBD must be Identified On Label.
Medicinals: Additional Cannabinoids
» The type and amount of Additional Cannabinoids must be Identified On Label.
Cannabis contains a multitude of cannabinoids. The cannabinoids THC and CBD have been widely studied. Additional cannabinoids such as CBN, CBG, CBC, CBGV, THCV are not as well understood and research on their medicinal properties is proceeding. All cannabinoids detailed on the Certificate of Analysis must be Identified On Label.
Medicinals: Cannabinoid Acids
» The type and amount of Cannabinoid Acids must be Identified On Label.
Cannabinoid acids are the compounds synthesized by the Cannabis plant. Decarboxylation of a cannabinoid acid eliminates a carboxylic acid to create a cannabinoid. The process must be exact to preserve holistic integrity.
Cannabinoid acids must not necessarily be decarboxylated to be effective. The specific qualities required determines the need for the process and/or the level of the process. The type and amount of cannabinoid acids must be Identified On Label.
Medicinals: Terpenes
» The type and amount of Cannabis Terpenes must be Identified On Label.
Terpenes are secondary metabolites of the Cannabis plant. Terpenes are medicinal compounds and important to overall synergy and differentiating effects as well as a major component of aroma. Cannabis has over one hundred unique terpenes and each strain will have its own combination. The type and amount of Cannabis terpenes must be Identified On Label.
Medicinals: Flavonoids
» The amount of Cannabis Flavonoids must be Identified On Label.
Cannabis flavonoids are an important component of aroma, flavour and pigmentation. They are secondary metabolites and are polyphenolic compounds. More research is required to show what role marijuana flavonoids play in synergistic effects of Cannabis compounds.
Medicinals: Extraction º
» Extraction methods must be Identified On Label.
While current Canadian legislation does not allow the legalized sale of extracted marijuana products, it is anticipated that extracted products will become legal in 2019. At that point extraction methods will be required to be Identified On Label. We include this information here so that companies may take this into consideration with respect to label design.
Medicinals: Strain/Species
» The strains and species of Cannabis must be Identified On Label.
The name of the Cannabis strain, or strains if a blended product, and the species originated from must be Identified On Label. The more information the client has to distinguish the product, the more opportunity for the provider to brand a strain that consistently delivers specific properties.
Medicinals: Dosage
» The dosage must be clearly Identified On Label.
Dosages must be described in easily understood terms and must be Identified On Label in a clearly defined area.
º Denotes not yet legal under current Canadian legislation. Included here to assist in label design for future legalization.